Personhood is the human rights issue of the 21st Century.
Personhood will restore respect and effective legal protection for all human beings, including the unborn. It encompasses the threat of emerging issues, such as cloning, embryo experimentation and euthanasia.
“The pro-life movement must mature beyond the singular goal of ‘saving babies’ and engage our current culture of death,” says Georgia Right to Life President Daniel Becker.
It is the principle that all human life has God given, constitutionally recognized value. The idea is simple yet bold. Ultimately, it may provide a direct challenge to the central holding of Roe v Wade, the landmark decision that made abortion legal in the United States.
When does life begin? In our time of science and technology, that question has already been answered—life begins at conception. The better question today may not be when human life begins, but rather what is the value of human life?
Legalized abortion has been a part of the American cultural scene since 1973.
Justice Potter Stewart stated in the Roe v Wade decision, “(If the) suggestion of personhood [of the preborn] is established, the [abortion rights] case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the 14th Amendment.”
If an unborn child is a person, then their right to life trumps their mother’s right to choose their death.
Georgia Right to Life can bring The Pillars of Personhood project to your community, school, or church group. The two part, scripturally based program will equip people to engage others in meaningful, thoughtful dialog on sanctity of life issues. Part one is a 5-hour classroom training, and part two (if possible) is an outreach to a local college campus. The objective is to prayerfully move others to better understand life issues, so that they positively impact the lives of those around them.
For information on upcoming Pillars of Personhood events, or to schedule an event, please contact Javid Ona at or call 770-339-6880.