Churches and community groups often ask Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) what they can do as a group to support the pro-life cause in their community. The answer to that question is, honestly, too expansive to list on any website. Each individual person has unique talents and abilities that they can use to glorify God and serve the fight for life. But, as a corporate body, we have compiled a list of 22 pro-life things your church can do in your community.

If you have suggestions for materials, specific requests, questions, or need assistance with any of these projects, please contact us at and let us know how we can serve you in the fight for life.

  1. Organize a candlelight vigil, prayer breakfast, or walk for life in your community to commemorate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade on January 22.
  2. Promote and attend the Georgia March for Life at the state capitol, which is sponsored by GRTL on January 22.
  3. Place a signature ad in your local paper to commemorate January 22, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Life Chain or any other ‘special’ day.
  4. Erect a “cemetery of the innocents” in a prominent place at your church or in your community. This is a memorial to represent the babies who die from abortion.
  5. Establish or update a church “email list” so that members of your church can respond immediately when an important sanctity of life issue comes up. Be sure the person in charge is in contact with GRTL.
  6. Organize a petition drive. Send copies to GRTL so we can let your legislators know their constituents want life affirming legislation.
  7. Schedule a pro-life presentation with GRTL for children, youth or adults.
  8. Encourage other pastors to actively preach and stand for the sanctity of human life.
  9. Host a voters’ registration drive.
  10. Find out when your congressman will be in his home district office and make an appointment to meet with him. Educate him on sanctity of life issues and encourage him to vote pro-life on legislation that is being considered in Congress.
  11. Appoint a committee or one person to be the liaison between your church and GRTL to stay informed regarding sanctity of life issues.
  12. Help promote and encourage participation in a local oratory contest for high school juniors and seniors to spread this educational outreach to young people in your area. The winner participates in the state oratory contest.
  13. Regularly preach and have educational inserts to inform your congregation on sanctity of life issues and current pro-life news.
  14. Participate in an existing Life Chain or organize new one.
  15. Volunteer to help your local Chapter by manning an educational booth at your county fair during the spring, summer or fall.
  16. Encourage people to join the local GRTL Chapter.
  17. Follow GRTL on social media and repost their information.
  18. Develop a relationship with your local Pregnancy Resource Center and be prepared to refer women to them.
  19. Participate in 40 Days for Life.
  20. Vote only for pro-life candidates.
  21. Host a Pillars of Personh