My pastor used to say your brain is mush until 25, although in my case it went well beyond that.

It was a humorous reference to the fact that children often make bad choices when left to their own devices and a reminder that they need Godly parental guidance (Proverbs 26.6).

Unfortunately, there continue to be medical, public health and education professionals who tirelessly work to keep parents out of the picture when it comes to their children’s sexual behavior.

In Washington State, middle and high school students (as young as 12) can’t get a Coca-Cola or a candy bar at 13 public schools, but they can obtain a taxpayer-funded intrauterine device (IUD) and have it implanted in the school’s health center.

They also have free access to: long-lasting reversible contraceptives (LARCs); birth control pills and shots; emergency contraceptives (morning after pill); condoms; sterilization; and hormonal implants.

In addition, minors can obtain the Medicaid-funded services at: public health departments, community-based clinics, college and university clinics, pediatric clinics, private physician practices, and 38 Planned Parenthood facilities.

All they have to do is check the right box on the application to keep their parents totally in the dark.

Checking the box affirms that: “I am 18 years old or younger and my parents do not know that I am seeking family planning services.  I want to keep the services that I receive confidential.”

“It’s not just about preventing pregnancies,” explained GRTL President Dan Becker.  “Many of these so-called contraceptives often lead to or actually cause abortions.”

GRTL takes no position on contraceptives, but is opposed to those that act as abortifacients.

Complicating the situation in Washington is an apparent lack of adequate training for some of the medical personnel.

A 2014 University of Washington study focusing on the program in two of the city’s high schools highlighted problems with implanting IUDs in minors.

Pointing to medical officials with little experience, one observer labeled the whole idea “scary.”

However, the bigger issue is the underlying thinking that circumventing parental involvement is acceptable.

It’s not surprising since that attitude is right out of the play book used by the abortion industry, including the Guttmacher Institute.

In a publication titled “Minors’ Access to Contraceptives Services,” the institute boldly states: “…while parental involvement is desirable, many minors will remain sexually active but not seek services if they have to tell their parents.”

The state and federally-funded contraceptives are made available to qualified individuals through a program called “Take Charge.” Applicants can apply at a number of facilities, including 38 Planned Parenthood clinics throughout the state, thereby allowing this vile organization a foot in the door to our young people’s lives.

Another issue is exposing minors to potentially serious side effects of many of these treatments.

Using these so-called contraceptives can lead to a host of medical issues, including: an increased risk of breast cancer; an increased risk of heart attack and stroke; higher blood pressure; gall bladder disease; and benign liver tumors.

While Georgia does not have a Take Charge program in public schools, minors can secretly get them.

A spokesperson for the Georgia Department of Community Health confirmed to GRTL that minors have access to a wide range of contraceptives, including several capable of acting as an abortifacient.

“Georgia law does not require parental consent for a minor [of any age] to obtain contraceptives,” the spokesperson said, although minors must be 17 to get some of them.

“It’s outrageous that current Georgia law makes it possible for parents to be kept in the dark about this dangerous practice,” Becker said.  “It’s time for Georgia lawmakers to stand up for parents and our children by addressing this issue.”


By Wayne DuBois
Media Relations Advisor