As you have likely heard, on Monday, March 28, Governor Deal vetoed HB 757, the Free Exercise Protection Act, which Georgia Right to Life supported. We are very disappointed to be dealt such a raw deal on religious freedom after three years of hard work to pass a bill that both protects the religious community and ensures no discrimination is allowed under law.
GRTL participated in a press conference on Tuesday morning to call for legislative action in response to the Governor’s veto and pledge our support in the continued pursuit of comprehensive religious liberty protection in Georgia.
A new statewide poll was also unveiled which found that 66% of Georgia voters supported HB 757 in the version vetoed by Governor Deal, including 59% of Democrats and a majority of all Congressional districts.
Georgians cannot work to protect innocent human life if we are denied the liberty to defend that innocent human life by the state. Without free exercise of religious convictions in Georgia, pro-life organizations and pregnancy centers are vulnerable to legal attack and persecution from pro-abortion activists who hate Georgia’s Christian pro-life values. As the only Georgia pro-life organization advocating for religious liberties, Georgia Right to Life will continue to lead the fight for comprehensive religious freedom in Georgia today, and every day, until the life and religious liberties of all human persons are protected.
This issue increases the urgency for you to vote in the May 24 Primary Election. Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle and Speaker of the House David Ralston said today that they oppose a veto override and will, instead, pursue new legislation in 2017. GRTL is calling on all pro-life Georgians to check whether their Representative and Senator voted in favor of religious liberty this year. If so, contact them and thank them for their diligent stand and ask them to commit to voting for comprehensive religious freedom protections in the 2017 session.
If they did not vote for religious liberty, contact them and let them know that you intend to vote in Georgia’s Primary Election on May 24 ONLY for candidates who support the free exercise of religion in Georgia.
Please pray that Georgia legislators will have the courage and boldness not just to stand for religious liberty, but to take leadership on the issue.
You can look up your Representative and Senator here.