White papers on end-of-life issues:

A Christian Response to “End-of-Life” Decisions – Article on Christian responses to brain death, diagnosed brain dead, cadaveric donations. persistent vegetative state and other end of life decisions.

A Good Death  – Death for a Christian is not the end; it is the beginning.  It is the means by which God takes his child home to his eternal reward.

Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity – Articles from a biblical worldview addressing end of life issues

Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care – There is growing evidence that those who do not provide clear directions concerning the life-saving measures they would want are more likely to be denied them than to receive them. Many court cases have been decided in favor of removing all forms of life support. Therefore, it is important that those who do not want to be denied life-saving medical treatment, or even food and fluids, make their views known in some form of advance directive.