2024 Georgia Right to Life True to Life Oratory and Film Contests

Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) is pleased to present our True to Life Oratory and Film Student Contests!

High school juniors and seniors across Georgia (homeschoolers included!) are invited to enter the True to Life Oratory Contest to present compelling speeches highlighting topics related to the sanctity of human life.

We are also seeking high school and college students to create pro-personhood videos to be entered in the True to Life Film Contest. The winning entry will be featured on the GRTL website.

Students can choose from a variety of personhood topics for their speeches or videos: abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, assisted suicide, stem cell research, or emerging technologies. All speeches must be 5-8 minutes long and all videos must be 1-3 minutes long.

Here’s what past participants have said regarding the True to Life contestHere’s what past participants have said regarding the True to Life contest:

2022 Oratory Contest winner Abbey Butte said, “When I first heard about the GRTL contest that my school was hosting I immediately knew that this was something that deserved my highest effort. I spent hours researching Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood, and everything in between. I always knew abortion was wrong, but after researching it, my eyes were opened to the lies that surround it. This is why I wrote my speech with the intention of spreading the truth.”

Katie Welsh, a 2023 state-wide GRTL Oratory Contest participant, stated, “I am really grateful for the opportunity I was given to speak up for the unborn and to uphold the gift of life.”






Watch our 2024 High School Film Contest winner, Greater Augusta GRTL Chapter students from Alleluia Community School, here:



Watch our 2024 College Film Contest winner, Northwest Georgia GRTL Chapter Student Abbey Butte from Dalton State College, here:



Watch a recent Oratory Contest winner from 2020 here:



View an example of a compelling student video from Oregon Right to Life’s Short Film Contest:

Each contest participant will first compete in a local chapter level GRTL competition with its own set of prizes. The local level winners will then advance to the state-level competition in Atlanta, Georgia to be held in April 2025– where each participant will have the chance to win the following prizes:


Oratory Contest (High School Juniors and Seniors)


Film Contest (High School Students)


Film Contest (College Students)


Please contact us at stateoffice@grtl.org if you have questions about the contest! If you are qualified to apply for the 2025 contest, please submit your application here: Student Contest Application.


“One generation shall commend your works to another,

and shall declare your mighty acts.”

Psalm 145:4


Georgia Right to Life

(770) 339-6880
