April 2019 – Article 1:
Promoting and protecting the sanctity of human life should not be involved in issues like climate change, but it is.
There are those in the extreme faction of the debate who place all of the blame for the earth’s changing weather conditions squarely on humanity, while completely ignoring the possibility that some of it could also be the
Such a focus places a higher value on the planet result of naturally occurring weather patterns than on people; it flies in the face of the fact that people are God’s most valuable creation. That does not mean, however, that we are free to misuse or abuse the earth—we are to manage and care for it.
Their ideas for saving the planet range from the impossible to the absolute absurd: eliminate the use of fossil fuels, airplanes, cars, and cows for food.
Their latest target—children.
Children as a Threat to the Planet
To save the planet, people must eliminate themselves. They suggest we start by not having any more children.
Of course if someone doesn’t get the message, there’s always abortion and assisted suicide.
It’s another twisted example of where a depraved mind can lead people when they deny God’s gift of life—life that is sacred and worthy of respect and protection.
Claiming the planet faces potential disaster, freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), the 29-year-old former bartender, recently said young people have to ask a legitimate question: “Is it okay to still have children?”
She’s not alone. Scott Wallace, a Democratic Congressional candidate in Pennsylvania, last year proposed to tax parents who have more than two children as “irresponsible breeders.”
On his Netflix show “Bill Nye Saves the Earth,” Nye asked if it would be a good idea to have the government penalize those having “extra kids.”
Radical feminist Gloria Steinem has said “forced childbirth is the single biggest cause of global warming.”
She believes people produce carbon: more people will bring greater emissions; fewer will result in less.
Then there’s #BirthStrike – a small, newly-formed group of activists who have vowed not to have children in order to protest climate change. The group says its goal is to raise awareness of the danger, not to promote others to follow them.
Last year, the city council of Berkley, CA, declared a climate emergency, and voted to back policies that “humanely stabilize” the human population.
Widespread Negative Population Growth
For a variety of reasons, these outrageous and unbiblical goals are already being met. The Centers for Disease Control reports that there were 3.85 million births in the United States in 2017 with a total fertility rate of 1.76 births per woman.
That’s a 40-year low, well short of the 2.1 rate needed for a society to replenish itself. One effect: diaper makers are reporting a drop in sales due to the declining birth rate.
The Climate Change Cult
Aside from its obvious societal and financial impact, it’s important for pro-life supporters to understand that for many involved on the fringes of the environmental movement this is far more than what it appears to be: it’s a religion. Fulfilling Paul’s warning in Romans 1:25, climate change alarmists are worshiping the creation instead of the creator.
These supporters consider the earth a sentient (aware) super-being called “Gaia.” In Greek mythology, Gaia was considered the ancestral mother of all life—the primal Mother Earth goddess.
The current Gaia cult is a devious mixture of pseudo-science, paganism, eastern mysticism, Wicca, and feminism.
Gaians teach that the “divine earth” must be protected from all threats no matter what the cost. The United Nations Global Biodiversity Assessment explicitly refers to Christianity as a faith that has set humans apart from nature and stripped nature of its sacred qualities.
While the report also criticizes Islam, it praises Buddhism and Hinduism.
British independent scientist and environmentalist James Lovelock lays much of the blame for the so-called crisis on the human population.
In his latest book “The Revenge of Gaia: Earth’s Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity,” Lovelock claims: “Just as the human body uses a fever to fight off an infection, Gaia is raising her temperature to expel a harmful parasite—humans.”
Lovelock warns that unless humans renounce their destructive ways, Gaia will be forced to continue acting in order to secure her supreme reign over the earth.
Is Humanity a Dangerous Virus?
According to Gaia people are a dangerous virus that poses a threat to Mother Earth. One of the key things we need to do to prevent this threat is to stop having children. God help us.
How far our society has fallen from God’s command to fill the earth and respectfully care for it.
There are plenty of opportunities to talk about climate change. Pro-life supporters are encouraged to engage in those conversations and to be prepared to discuss the need to care for God’s creation, as well as the dangers of worshiping the earth.
As stated above, earth’s climate may indeed be changing and some of it could be the result of naturally-occurring changes in weather patterns. As for humanity’s contribution, it’s not accurate to place the sole burden of fixing it on America.
Because they often don’t attempt to employ modern emission control equipment, the lion’s share of pollution originates in China and India, not the United States.
The worst response is to call for the elimination of children, and to put the value of nature above the value of human life.
We need to look to God’s word for direction. Genesis 1:26, the same verse that tells us people are made in God’s image also lays out God’s plan for us to take care of the world we live in. We honor God by following His instruction to respect and protect the Personhood of each individual, and to care for the beautiful creation He made for us.
Sources: green-agenda.com; ifstudies.org; dailycaller.com; prophecynewswatch.com; foxnews.com; thehill.com; foxbusiness.com; Wikipedia.org.
By Wayne DuBois
Georgia Right to Life
Media Relations Advisor