GRTL’s promotion of Personhood includes informing our supporters on ways to uphold and maintain the protection of human lives, including times when your constitutional rights are being infringed. Failure to do so would be irresponsible and a violation of our mission.
Vaccine Mandates Underway
The continuing spread of COVID-19 is driving federal and state officials ever closer to mandating that everyone be vaccinated. The Biden administration has already ordered the forced vaccination of nursing home workers. It is quite possible that if COVID doesn’t subside, there’s a good chance universal vaccination will be mandated by the federal government. We are racing toward governmental tyranny which will become a reality if we don’t oppose it now.
This is in addition to a growing list of private and public institutions and businesses requiring employees and customers to show proof of vaccination before returning to work, attending school, eating in a restaurant, or attending events such as concerts.
Be a Voice for the Voiceless
This prospect raises a serious issue for those who value the sanctity of human life. Many COVID vaccines, including the three currently available in the United States, involve the use of a cell line obtained from an aborted child in some stage(s) of the process. (For more detailed information see Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) newsletter: “Vaccines: What you need to Know’).
The production and testing of vaccines using the remains of aborted human children is morally wrong and must be rejected. Such vaccines legitimize using aborted children in research and encourage the willful destruction of innocent children now and in the future. This horrific process involves taking vital organs and tissue from an aborted child while their heart is still beating.
As pro-life supporters, we are all called to be a voice for the voiceless. The current realities of gruesome biomedical experimentation must be ended. There are ethical ways to conduct research that don’t require mutilating children.
Know Your Rights and Take Action
You cannot be forced to put anything into your body to which you object; it’s against the law. Also, what your employer, school, or business thinks is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is your firmly held religious beliefs. It’s your Constitutional right to express and live out your faith.
Humans are made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26). Christians have a duty to honor and care for the body God has given us as a temple of the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:1, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:20, 1 Corinthians 10:31). Therefore, to force or coerce a person to administer a substance into their body against their conscience is a violation of their personhood. Forced or coerced vaccination is also a violation of the dignity of the human person because freedom of religion and freedom of conscience are fundamental to human dignity.
Those of you who are faced with vaccine mandates through your employer, school, or business, please visit the following website EXEMPT – Liberty Counsel ( * which provides steps that can be taken to protect your faith, freedom, and families.
Our prayer is that this information will encourage you to take action to defend your religious and conscience freedoms.
For additional information, please email of call us at 770-339-6880.
**Views expressed on this website are the views and opinions of Liberty Counsel and are not necessarily the views and opinions of Georgia Right to Life.