- Organize a candlelight vigil, prayer breakfast or walk for life in your community to commemorate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade on January 22.
- Attend and send people from your Chapter to the Georgia March for Life memorial service and walk at the state capitol, which is sponsored by GRTL on January 22.
- Send a busload (or more) of local pro-lifers to the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. on January 22.
- Hold a press conference or issue a press release to highlight your Chapter’s renewed commitment to fight for the rights of the pre-born (GRTL media advisor Wayne Dubois is available to help).
- Place a signature ad in your local paper to commemorate January 22, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or any other ‘special’ day. Collect signatures and donations through local pro-life churches.
- Sponsor or participate in 40 Days for Life, Pro-life Bridges Day, Life Chain or other public, prayerful, demonstrations that call attention to the injustice of abortion.
- Erect a “cemetery of the innocents” in a prominent place in your community. Put up tiny white crosses to represent the babies who have died from abortion.
- Compile a list of the doctors and hospitals in your area that perform abortions and those that will not. Encourage your members and their families to patronize only those that do not perform or refer for abortions.
- Establish or update a Chapter “phone tree,” “email list,” or “text list” so that members of your Chapter can respond immediately when important legislation comes up. Be sure the person in charge is in contact with GRTL.
- Hold periodic “Contact your Elected Officials” parties to call, send mail, and email government officials on Personhood issues. Provide paper, envelopes, pens, stamps, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, talking points and information about the subject matter. Be sure the volunteers know to be polite and to the point.
- Organize a petition project to gather names and addresses of people who oppose abortion. Add the names to your email and mailing list to let them know about local events and send copies to the GRTL state office to deliver to legislators when needed.
- Appoint a committee or one person to develop a working relationship with local reporters and news media, keeping them informed with solid, well-documented Personhood information. Do not neglect the Christian media.
- Place educational pro-life literature in local libraries, schools, hospitals, and churches – be sure to check with local ordinances first.
- Train several of your members to give Personhood presentations (we have presentations you can use that are appropriate from preschool to adult) to churches, schools, and community groups. Actively seek opportunities to give these presentations. Resource material, videos and pamphlets are available from GRTL.
- Establish or strengthen an outreach to pro-life churches in your community. Key contacts and pastors at sympathetic churches should be on your contact list.
- Use a program like the Voter Identification Project or a citizens’ opinion poll to survey residents of your community about abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide, euthanasia, emerging technology, and religious freedom. Add new names to the state and local email lists.
- In conjunction with the state office, find out when your congressman will be in his home district office and make an appointment to meet with him. Educate him on Personhood and on abortion legislation in Congress. Encourage him to vote pro-life on the legislation that is being considered in Congress.
- Appoint a committee or one person to be the liaison between your Chapter and GRTL to monitor the status of current legislation in the State Legislature and give regular reports to your entire membership using information from Legislative Alerts or the Legislative Director. When appropriate, this committee should activate pro-lifers to contact and lobby members of the state and federal legislature as needed in the battle to bring current sanctity of life bills to a vote.
- Find and encourage pro-life young people to start a Teens for Life Chapter in your area. Information on organizing such a group is available from GRTL.
- Is there a nearby county or town that does not have a chapter of Georgia Right to Life? Find pro-life contacts there and work with them and GRTL to begin a new Chapter there.
- Help organize a local Oratory, Video, or Art Contest for students to spread this educational outreach to young people in your area. The winner participates in the State Oratory or Video Contest.
- Regularly publish a newsletter that keeps your membership informed on sanctity of life issues, Chapter events and pro-life news.
- Hold a Mother’s Day flower sale or a bake sale.
- Sponsor a July 4 walk-a-thon or barbecue (these can be anytime) to raise money for Chapter activities.
- Plan to have an educational booth at your local or county fair during the spring, summer or fall. Have an ample supply of appealing, professional brochures, petitions, bumper stickers, and perhaps a pro-life video, and of course a set Fetal Models on hand. (GRTL can provide these resources for a discount)
- Sponsor a baby shower to provide much needed supplies for a local Pregnancy Resource Center.
- Encourage individual pro-lifers to become active in local political parties and stand up for pro-life platforms and candidates.
- In conjunction with the GRTL PAC, interview local candidates regarding their positions on sanctity of life issues (forms and training are available at the state office). Then send the results and comments to the GRTL PAC with your recommendations for possible endorsements. Print endorsements in your newsletter and distribute them in other ways (be sure your Chapter does not endorse any candidates!).
- Hold a Christmas card sale or poinsettia sale to raise money.
- Pray to end abortion !!