Chemical Abortion: The Pills, the Politics, and the Problems

posted in: 2024, Abortions, Chemical Abortions | 0

Chemical AbortionRU-486 has been developed to kill an innocent human child. Therefore, Georgia Right to Life does not support the use of this drug during pregnancy in any way; however, we do support women having access to the facts regarding this regimen so that prayerfully they decide to protect themselves and their child.

Part 2

As a result of the FDA’s serious mishandling of the Mifeprex issue, the anti-life advocates were able to successfully breakdown safety protocols over the next few years. This breakdown led to a furthering of the harm already begun by the authorization of Mifeprex in the United States.

The Breakdown: 

On April 17, 2002, the FDA and Danco Laboratories LLC of New York City, manufacturer of Mifeprex (mifepristone) released an official advisory encouraging health care providers to distribute the drugs as regulated. They openly stated that six women had developed serious illnesses and two had died after taking the abortion drugs. [1]

Despite these concerning events, the FDA continued to permit the distribution of Mifepristone on the basis that doctors follow the protocol set in place on the release of the drug.

Despite the FDA’s efforts to safeguard the drug, their protocols were soon dismantled after the rise of panic surrounding the Covid-19 lockdowns and overreaching national authority. Restricted to their homes, the public demanded access to abortion drugs. Due to the Covid emergency protocols, their request was quickly granted and Mifeprex was shipped out to every corner of the United States, no in-person appointments required.

This access to the drug has exacerbated the dangers for women in the United States. Despite the claims of feminist and pro-abortion activist groups, the drug is profoundly anti-women. Therefore, the results of making it accessible for longer into the pregnancy and without a medical examination are devastating.


Access to abortion drugs without protocols allows for babies conceived as a result of the sex trafficking industry to be covertly killed. Sex traffickers have manipulated the abortion system for years; however, with even more open access to the drugs it has become even easier to abuse women. It is reported that out of 67 women, 55% had at least one abortion, 30% had multiple abortions and 55% reported miscarriages.[2] This issue extends farther than the middle-class woman’s “right to choose.” This decision affects women across America forced to murder their babies and suffer physically and mentally, often repeatedly.

It appears that the pro-abortion community believes that the ends justify the means when it comes to drug induced abortion. But their means are physically and mentally endangering the women they claim to be helping.

The agencies which promote this method of abortion seek to downplay the severe physical and emotional pain can occur. After receiving the drugs women can be stuck at home alone to endure hours of cramping and bleeding. These effects can last up to 30 days.[3] Often, women see their infant once it has been expelled from their bodies. Sometimes a woman can identify her aborted baby’s head, hands, and legs along with “defined fingers and toes.”[4] One woman did not receive an ultrasound and was given chemical abortion drugs from planned parenthood without knowing the gestational age of her baby. The woman, who had been told her baby was as young as six weeks, was terrified to deliver a “lifeless, fully formed baby in the toilet,” of her home. Later the child was determined to be around 30-36 weeks old. The woman has since then “endured significant stress, trauma, emotional anguish, physical pain, including laceration and an accelerated labor and delivery unaided by medication, lactation, soreness, and bleeding.” [5]

Follow the Money:

As is the case in practically every other area of life, money creates incentive. There is no doubt that cultural pressure from radical pro-abortion groups and feminist organizations pushed the US government to provide more access to the abortion pill. However, it is equally important to note that these companies that were allowed to manufacture and distribute RU-486 desired to maintain and increase the profitability of the pills.

Even pro-abortion news outlets have noticed the correlation between Big Pharma’s efforts to expand the market for RU-486 and the pills’ increasing profitability.

One such online magazine noted that two startups offering chemical abortions by mail received a lot of financial attention from venture capital investors. One startup, Choix, received 1 million dollars in funding just weeks after the recent supreme court decision.

In October, its competitor, Hey Jane, raised an astonishing 6.1 million dollars after a nine-fold increase in its daily telehealth appointments.[6]

However, this is not even half of the story. The drug manufacturer Danco Labs has a vested interest in the success of the abortion pill in America. The evil history of their founding and inherent interest in the financial success of RU-486 begun in the 1990s when the national abortion debate was at its highest.

To learn about their questionable and crooked see the sited article above from Mother Jones. They claim that the history of Danco Labs has a “plot that involves Cayman Islands shell companies, LLCs named after racehorses, a shadowy priest, a disbarred attorney, and a finance whiz behind an infamous Wall Street hedge fund collapse.

The legal battle, which has been fought in three states and cost millions in attorneys’ fees, shows how investors have come to view the desperation of pregnant women as an important problem to solve—but also a golden ticket.”

The last phrase of that quote claiming that pregnant women are a “problem to solve” and yet simultaneously a “golden ticket” clearly displays the pro-abortion outlook. It is quite ironic that a pro-abortion news outlet is outraged at pharmaceutical companies taking the opportunity to profit from abortions.

From a human perspective, this approach would be rational. Why not kill two birds with one stone? Pun intended. Why not “solve the problem” of unwanted babies by killing them while also profiting massively?

The men behind Danco Labs, Brad Daniel and Greg Hawkins, invested an approximate $9 million and $11 million respectively into the “mifepristone project.” This is not chump change.

It has been estimated that they have earned between $20.5 million and $25.1 million. We should not be bewildered by the cultural insistence of allowing unrestricted access to abortions drugs across the United States.

It is no surprise that pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS are frantic to get a slice of the RU-486 pie. Those who profit from this market disregard the health and safety of women who take these drugs. More importantly, the blood of the dead babies is on their hands.

Alliance Defending Freedom’s ongoing legal battle:

Due to these horrific circumstances, four doctors and four medical organizations represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom are challenging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision to remove the drug’s regulations in this country.

The Supreme Court decided on Wednesday, December 13th, 2023, to hear the U.S. Food and Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine.[7] This hearing occurred on March 26, 2024, and the court is expected to hand down their decision in June.

We ask that you pray for the judge’s eyes to be open to the truth about this drug, and that rule according to the medical facts. Please also pray that women will see the truth that killing their baby is not healthcare, does not solve cultural problems, and is harmful to them.

May God have mercy on us.

Virginia-Lee Finnell

Georgia Right to Life Intern







