CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT "Name the Georgia March!"Every January Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) holds its memorial service and march for the purpose of honoring the more than 64 million pre-born children who are not with us today due to death through abortion, since the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling.

We are excited to share that we are running a contest during the last two weeks of July to give our faithful pro-life friends an opportunity to rename this important annual event.

Beginning July 15th and for the rest of this month, you can go to our website and click on the banner titled “Name the Georgia March” and vote as many times — and for as many titles — as you like! The cost is $1.00 per vote.

The contest will run from now until the end of July. There are four titles for you to vote on – the one with the MOST VOTES at the close of July will be the winning title. The titles are:

Title No. 1: Stand for Life Georgia

Title No. 2: Georgia Stand for Life

Title No. 3: Georgia Memorial March & Rally for Life

Title No. 4: Protect Life March & Rally



Attend our REACH Dinner on September 7 at the Cobb Galleria in Atlanta, where we will unveil the winning name!

Thank you so much for participating in our “Name the Georgia March!” Contest — we are eager to see what the winning title will be!