Words that Stuck with Me

Volunteering for Georgia Right to Life has been a joy.My Involvement as a Volunteer for Georgia Right to Life

I am writing this to tell you about my involvement as a Volunteer for Georgia Right to Life. I believe that abortion is currently the most critical defining issue in our country. I believe that we are in a battle for the hearts and minds of American people and the lives of the weakest among us are at stake. I also believe that if we don’t fight for America, we will lose America.

I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Georgia Right to Life on these efforts.

How I Became Pro-Life

I perhaps date myself when I say this, but I remember very well, in 1972, I had been out of college for a few years and was working in the Washington, D.C. area. I was single, and most of my life focus was to make money, and outside of work, well, was just to meet people and have a good time.

One morning, I was getting ready to leave my apartment to go to work. I was walking toward the radio to turn it off when the news commentator reported that “The United States Supreme Court had just legalized abortion in America.” I stopped briefly and thought to myself, “Well, that doesn’t make any sense at all”. I left for work and continued for years and years but those words, for whatever reason, always stuck with me.

Although I was nowhere near where I should have been in my walk with the Lord at that time, I believe that, even though I didn’t know it, God was either calling me or planting the seeds for me to do pro-life work.

Becoming Involved

Fast forward to about 2004. My situation had changed substantially. I had moved to the Augusta, Georgia, area for employment purposes, and more importantly, the Lord called me to return to practicing my Catholic faith.

My church, Saint Mary on the Hill in Augusta, decided to start a Time, Talent, and Treasure Program. The parishioners were given cards to fill out. The card included, among other things, a list of ministries and community service activities. We were asked to pick one or two that we would like to try. One of the ministries listed was a pro-life ministry, so I decided I would try that one.

A few weeks later I attended an organizational meeting hosted by Dr. Gene Binet. At the end of the meeting, no one volunteered to lead the ministry, so Dr. Binet asked me if I would lead it. I was very much taken by surprise but reluctantly accepted. However, I felt good about it because I considered it was perhaps a first step toward giving something to the Lord. The ministry consisted mainly of regular prayer and witness gatherings in front of one of the abortion mills in Augusta.

After a few years, Dr. Binet introduced me to Vern Simon, the Chapter Leader for the Greater Augusta Chapter of Georgia Right to Life. Vern initially invited me to work with him on his chapter activities. About a year later he asked me to take over as Chapter Leader since he was preparing to retire. I accepted. Dr. Binet and Vern mentored me as I transitioned in. Now that they have gone on to be with the Lord, it makes me very grateful that they took the time to mentor me.

The Greater Augusta Chapter of Georgia Right to Life

Working as a Chapter Leader for the Greater Augusta Chapter of Georgia Right to Life opened many doors. There are many people in the Augusta area that are strongly pro-life and very talented in many different ways.  We are able to join together and promote life and perform agreed upon activities.

I also met the very talented people working at the Georgia Right to Life State Office. They provided the structure, knowledge, and information so that we didn’t have to “go it alone.”  They have established Position Statements on various life issues, established training and education programs, as well as processes for political action, and vetting of political candidates.  I particularly appreciate Georgia Right to Life’s Personhood approach and strict no-exceptions policy toward achieving our pro-life goals.

I also get to meet other Chapter Leaders at least twice a year to share experiences and learn from each other.

Our Greater Augusta Chapter has established a routine of promoting respect for life including the following activities:

  • The High School Student Pro-Life Oratory and Video Contests
  • Support for the student bus trip to the National March for Life
  • Sponsorship and participation in 40 Days for Life
  • Funding Pro-Life Billboards in the Augusta area
  • Pro-Life Bridges Days – when we hold signs and banners on a bridge or overpass that say, “Abortion Takes a Human Life”

We also hold an annual pro-life banquet; the Southern Evening for Life, so supporters in the Augusta area can network, have a nice meal, and hear a pro-life message.

Under former president, Dan Becker’s leadership, Georgia Right to Life founded a national organization, Personhood Alliance. Georgia Right to Life is an affiliate of Personhood Alliance, so we share the same principles and strategies.

Three years ago, I ran and won the position of Georgia Right to Life’s Delegate to Personhood Alliance. The affiliates typically meet several times a year via Zoom and once a year in person just before the Bringing America Back to Life (BABL) Convention in Independence, Ohio (near Cleveland).

Once again, I was able to meet and learn from some amazing like-minded pro-life, Pro-Personhood people, all doing great work to promote our mission. During my first Personhood Alliance meeting, I volunteered for the Treasure’s position.

Also, the Bringing America Back to Life Convention is the largest pro-life convention in the country and is always full of great education and encouragement.


It has been a pleasure working as a volunteer for Georgia Right to Life. It has allowed me to meet and work with and learn from amazing and talented people at the local, state, and national level. I felt that I was called to join that pro-life movement so that I could try to use my God given talents for the Lord; however, the blessings and rewards that I have received have far exceeded my efforts. The Lord is never outdone.

We are in a battle for the hearts and minds of America, and the lives of the weakest among us are at stake every day. If you are not already doing something to help Georgia Right to Life save the most vulnerable among us, please take that first step.

George Vozniak, Chapter Leader

Greater Augusta Right to Life

Chapter of Georgia Right to Life